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[26 July 2011] پاراچنار امدادی کاروان روانہ MWM Parachinar Aid Caravan Departed - Urdu

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[26 July 2011] پاراچنار امدادی کاروان روانہ MWM Parachinar Aid Caravan Departed - Urdu
Since the innocent residents of Parachinar have been suffering for over 5 years now. There is a blockade of basic necessities of life inside Parachinar e.g. food, medicines etc. Terrorists kill those who attempt to go to Parachinar. There are several incidents where cars and trucks are burnt by... Show More >>
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Supporting the oppressed and serving them is the core philosophy of HIZBALLAH. Treading on this path is the key to success. The party of God will overcome the evil Taliban. Insha'Allah. O Allah keep these Rijaal Allah safe. Amen.



Reminds me of the Freedom Flotilla that went to Gaza, Palestine. It seems like Parachinar is the Gaza of Pakistan. Aiding the crushed people living there is surely a nobel cause...



May Allah protect these caring and affectionate people who are going to Peshawar and Parachinar and risking their lives to help the oppressed residents of Parachinar.



This is a slap on the face of Pakistan's puppet government which is so helpless that it can not deal with a handful of trouble-making terrorists... Real question is, the government is helpless OR aligned with these terrorists???