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[UPDATE] 28July11 امدادی کاروان امن براے پاراچنار - Parachinar Aid Caravan - Urdu

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[UPDATE] 28July11 امدادی کاروان امن براے پاراچنار - Parachinar Aid Caravan - Urdu
Updates about the aid caravan headed towards Parachinar, Pakistan by Majlise Wahdate Muslimeen. This peace caravan's aim is to provide food supplies and medicines to the oppressed people of Parachinar. These residents of Parachinar are suffering from the blockade of basic necessities of life... Show More >>
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Is this some type of Pakistani national song in playback? Good tune for encouragement of public!



@ShiaTv.Net. Special thanks. We outside world get authentic news from



@ShiaTv.Net. Special thanks. We outsode world get authentic news from



Nice step to move to troubled areas by scholars and people of Pakistan.



@UK. I visited Pakistan in 2010. In my view, Pakistan can only get peace by disciplined Shia population. As 41~43% Shia population is a major help to stable Pakistan.



It is very encouraging to see these glorified and enlightened faces who feel the pain of the oppressed of Parachinar... The attitude of government departments is such a shame that they are giving a hard time to these peaceful members of this sacred caravan... Watch the whole video and you'll see what I'm talking about...