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(Raw Clip2) 2011 اسقلال پاکستان کنونشن Mother of Shaheed Yasir Abbas - Urdu

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(Raw Clip2) 2011 اسقلال پاکستان کنونشن Mother Of Shaheed Yasir Abbas - Urdu
MWM organized Istaqlal e Pakistan convention on the death anniversary of Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif Hussain Al-Hussaini in Islamabad on July 24, 2011.
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Pakistan was founded by Shia Momin Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Fatima Jinnah. She is right that Mominin MUST advance for serving Pakistan and humanity.



She is brave mother of a brave martyr Lt. Yasir Abbas. Her courage and kindness is evident from her speech.



@UK. I had got the brave and courageous stance of Lt. Yasir Abbas to face terrorists and gun them down in PNS Mehran Base Karachi. A true follower of 14 Masomin (a.s). We all humane and freedom lovers SALUTE him!



She is truly right in all words. We salute all mothers of such high strenght and courageous hearts who sacrificed their sons for Islam.