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Jazak's great service to religion and humanity. May Allah SWT increase your jaza i khair.

  •  Commented on: July 10, 2021

he must work on to unite the community , rather than sow the seeds of confusions and divsions. I would be watchful in listening such speakers, as in the history also, people who killed the Imams were adept in islamic knowledge quranic recitations, but failed to follow the advice of thier Imam of their times. We need to see the red line between rightiousness and wrongful paths

  •  Commented on: July 11, 2020

I understand he is very educated and learned man. But he must use this knowledge to unite the shia communities, rather than sowing the discords amongst already divided shia sects. Nowadays we must find the commong grounds, not raising the issues which cause further confusions, and divisions among the various sects. Unity is the need of the hour, and such speaker should not be

  •  Commented on: July 11, 2020

How stupid this guy is. He is giving reference to Holy Quran but failed to interpret it in right way. ON may occasions in Ahadees mubarak and Holy Quran it is mentioned about zahoor e mubarak of Imam Mahdi Hadi( as). I consider myself least expert in Quranic teachings, but I could recall a holy verse saying about like " people will follow and enter in judgment day with their chosen Imams of their times. It means that every time has its Imam and Imam of this age is Imam Mahdi Ajtfs. If someone fails to recognize and accept this fact then that person doomed and condemned in hell forever and will be resting with Killers of Hussain as.

  •  Commented on: January 13, 2018

I don't know what is in his heart, only Allah knows. However his speech seems to be vague and absurd. May Allah give us true guidance. Aaameen

  •  Commented on: October 20, 2017

MaashaAllah, yet another great analysis on recent events. I would like to add we must pray for the demise of saudi rule, which is the mother of all evils. May Allah bestowed victory to Bahrain masses.

  •  Commented on: April 17, 2011

May Allah SWT send His wrath on ruthless rulers,--we all momineen condemnd, curse and wish all evil tyrants go to hell soonest, InshaAllah. May Allah shower His blessings on all innocent bahrainis.

  •  Commented on: April 12, 2011

Mohtaram Zaidi sb, I am keen to have your next analysis. becos you present us facts and figures in truest way. WE are living in ending time,we have to be awake and vigilant from enemy. keep it going.

  •  Commented on: April 10, 2011

Imam Khomeini, words are jewels of all us, he always speak haq and truth. God bless his soul. Ummat needs such pious human being, Amen!!!

  •  Commented on: March 27, 2011

This wonderful analysis based on true facts and figures, maashaAllah, our community needs to know what our past was and where we are heading for. AMZ keep it up, God bless you. Haider

  •  Commented on: February 20, 2011
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