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Another attack on ISLAM by Javed Ghamdi امام مہدی کا کوئی وجود نہیں ہے Urdu

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Another Attack On ISLAM By Javed Ghamdi امام مہدی کا کوئی وجود نہیں ہے Urdu
He is an exposed enemy of Islam. Inform others. Coming of Imam Mahdi (a.s) is a undoubted reality of Islam! It is a proven fact. Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims both believe in Imam Mahdi (a.s). There are many many "sahih" ahadith about Imam Mahdi (a.s).... Show More >>
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How stupid this guy is. He is giving reference to Holy Quran but failed to interpret it in right way. ON may occasions in Ahadees mubarak and Holy Quran it is mentioned about zahoor e mubarak of Imam Mahdi Hadi( as). I consider myself least expert in Quranic teachings, but I could recall a holy verse saying about like " people will follow and enter in judgment day with their chosen Imams of their times. It means that every time has its Imam and Imam of this age is Imam Mahdi Ajtfs. If someone fails to recognize and accept this fact then that person doomed and condemned in hell forever and will be resting with Killers of Hussain as.



Ghamdi has no serious value in Pakistan! OK!



During my visit to Pakistan I have heard about Ghamdi from students. He looks seriously misguided.



Ghamdi is a special type of pseudo-intellectual!



Someone please tell Pakistani state-sponsored foolish joker Ghamdi, that we will never lose hope in Imam Mahdi (a.s). There were many najis ones who came in the history as well. We sticked to our faith and they got perished. Learn from them Ghamdi!!! Don't sell yourself for a few dollars. Why go against Allah, Prophet and Ahlulbayt (a.s)?



How absurd is this person! It is one thing to twist a tradition and draw a different conclusion. He is LYING flat out! Shame on so-called and self-proclaimed intellectuals like him. I had serious doubts about this agent, now I am convinced. We all know who has tasked him to do all this!!!