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[17 Feb 2013] Quetta Dharna Hazara Town - women Protest - Speech H.I. Ameen Shaheedi - Urdu

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[17 Feb 2013] Quetta Dharna Hazara Town - Women Protest - Speech H.I. Ameen Shaheedi - Urdu
[17 Feb 2013] Quetta Dharna Hazara Town - Speech H.I. Ameen Shaheedi - Urdu
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Tehreek e Bedari actually guides us where we have to go, and what our religion is demanding from us



Most important Aim of Tehreek e Bedari is that every Muslims and specially Shias of Pakistan can easily differentiate and judge the right direction, means it is not some ulamas or Politicians who decide the fate of millions of Pakistani Muslims and Shias, but it is us who would decide where we have to go



Syed Jawad is only the one who is following a foot steps of Imam Khomeini r.a, that is a reason that why he doesn't believe in parties.. And he often announce valid reasons for such believe..

Past 60 years are the eye opening proves, what goals we really acheived in the presence of so many parties ?



Respected Mohammad Rezam Tahrik e baiderai Ummat e Mustafa is not a party.....It a movement ...There is lot of difference between party and Tahreek... T B U M is just a platform ..FRom this AGHa wants people became aware and to preach Islam Naab.....People became more aware about islam naab ...



It's true that Agha Jawad is best for leadership but he usually discusses that he does not believe in party... (however his Tahrik e Baiderai Ummate e Mustafa is a party, but very limited) How can he organize the Millat without well organized party system, especially our true Ulema setup



restlesssoul....yes I have listen all of them ...I found Agha Syed Jawad NAvi best from all of them....he teaches islam naab ...he do not beleive in party .....



tahirshigri! i agree with your point. syedaliyaha! if u listen agha syed jawad and leaders of mwm and suc speechs regulary three months.u found your leadership



we will be in better position in future ....If we fallow Agha Syed Jawad Naqvi....And All Ulma Should Also fallow him....



65 Million Shias were sad. But the blast was so tragic that everyone in 200 Million Pakistan population was in support of 114 martyrs!



Long live Ulema-e-Haq!



We have trust in the leadership of Ulema. Be it MWM or SUC or Agha Jawwad