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[18 Feb 2013] Quetta Dharna Hazara Town - Speech Murtaza Puya - Minhajul Quran - Urdu

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[18 Feb 2013] Quetta Dharna Hazara Town - Speech Murtaza Puya - Minhajul Quran - Urdu
[18 Feb 2013] Quetta Dharna Hazara Town - Speech Murtaza Paya - Minhajul Quran - Urdu
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Lawrence of Arabia (movie), Humphrey Kay Aitrafat (book) are useful to understand Saudi robber tribe!



Agha Murtaza Puya, Aal-e-Saud is just a puppet. The real culprit are the Zionists who have strengthened Aal-e-Saud and now using them.