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Greatness of the Quran and the Bahrain Defence Rally عظمت قرآن و دفاع بحرین ریلی.- Urdu

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Greatness Of The Quran And The Bahrain Defence Rally عظمت قرآن و دفاع بحرین ریلی.- Urdu
Greatness of the Qur\\\'an and the Bahrain Defence Rally عظمت قرآن و دفاع بحرین ریلی : کراچی.- Urdu MWM, SUC, ISO, PWF, Hayate Aema Imamia, Hawzaete Ilmia Imamia Karachi
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Yes... Every human being is respectable and he needs justice and fair role in society.



I wish we may start supporting atleast atleast our Shia brothers.No doubt we have to support all muslims in the world.but shias are in very bad condition all over the world and they need our support



@AliAli. Yes you are right. The whole world is now watching the Shia Pakistan for their silence or support for poor Arab people demanding their basic human rights from dictators. You are in millions



I think the people all round the world are now feeling the need to help one another to get true jutice, equality and trust.



These rallies are the first step to raise awareness. Much work is yet to be done... Those who are going to these rallies, need to take another step forward and those who are not, need to start going.



May Allah bless the participants of these rallies which are aimed at denouncing the crimes of the oppressors and announcing solidarity with the oppressed.