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Suni Shia Unity - Urdu

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Suni Shia Unity - Urdu
The true message of Islam is unity.
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Alaykum Assalam @Banda, Insha'Allah. I find that small clips are much effective in conveying a solid message, even if there is minor or no fancy editing. May Allah bless you for attempting to strengthen Islam e Naab e Muhammadi (s).



Salam Thanks Ali actually it is my first attempt on a software about which i dont know too much. Just pray i will try to make it better next time.



@Banda, good attempt. Jazak Allah. When Quran is being recited, please do not use any soundtrack. Also the background soundtrack is too loud and makes it almost impossible to understand what is being said. Can you please consider these in your future clips. Thank you and may Allah bless you.