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[2] Syedani Ki Ghair e Syed Sy Shadi سیدانی کی غیر سید سے شادی کا مسئلہ

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[2] Syedani Ki Ghair E Syed Sy Shadi سیدانی کی غیر سید سے شادی کا مسئلہ
Lecture On The Topic Of : Syedani Ki Ghair e Syed Sy Shadi Ka Masla Syed Abid Hussain Zaidi Madrasa-tul-Qaaim[a.s] سیدانی کی غیر سید سے شادی کا مسئلہ
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Assalam o Alaikum.
If you are a follower of Islam and specially wilayat e Faqih., then how one can speak against Islam and wilat e faqih in support of his own will and views.
There is no restriction of Marraige between sadaat n Ghair sadaat , it is divission of enemies of islam to devide Momins and Muslims.
Every one of us should study history , where the Pious daughter of hazrat Imam Hussain a.s (Fatima) have married to the grand son of usman of the tragedy of karbala, and She (Hazrat Fatima bint Hussain a,s) has three sons. what we can say now ?
Similarly there are many hadiths and riwayats about this ,

So please dont aboey own views and Nafs and Obey the real teachings of Islam.



Very informative.



yeh sab Ray ke gandam ka qasoor hai



Either u have not watched the video properly or watched it wearing glasses of your mindset otherwise it has nothing against the respect of syeds.Also,its purpose is very clear;to avoid delaying marriages of daughters waiting for syeds, even when good proposals of non syeds r available and or marrying them with syeds of poor character or poor match.



Salamo Aleykom! I am a strict fallower of Wilayate Faqih! But this video is AGAINST the respect of Sadaat! Whats ur purpose with this video? To motivate everyone to marry Syedahs? U shud fear Allah!