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Shock: Islamic Iran Military Service Documentary - Farsi

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Shock: Islamic Iran Military Service Documentary - Farsi
Full documentary video in Persian about Iranian military service in the Islamic Republic. Downscaled.
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I think Iran and Pakistan are both Shia countries. Also have good military. I have seen on CCTV China the friendly joint military exercise of China and Pakistan. Why not Iran do friendly military exercise with other countries?



Yes they should be, but in Pakistan it is not possible now because our govt thinks that all terrorist activities are taking place because of that so they finished NCC even at college level



I think all boys & girls must be militarily trained. It will be a sure help to be preapred for reappearance of our beloved Imam Mahdi (a.s)



I think all boys & girls must be militarily trained. It will be a sure help to be preapred for reappearance of our boloved Imam Mahdi (a.s)



Its a really nice work. Thanks for uploading.