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Short Message to Bahrainis 16 March 2011 - Shaikh Ali Salman - Arabic

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Short Message To Bahrainis 16 March 2011 - Shaikh Ali Salman - Arabic
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Thank you brothers and sisters for your support. May Allah reward you with all good and bestow his blessings on you.@AliAli; see the subtitled video that i uploaded recently.



We have E-Mails rush towards Amnesty International and top Human Activists of the globe.Please be peaceful against all sorts of cruelity & harsh treatments. Never give up,we pray for your victory...



We students are sending Emails to Amnesty International and other Human Rights observers on the situation of Bahrain. On Colleges notice boards we are going to place posters of the cruel regime..



We all should send 'Peaceful Protest Emails & Messages' from all over the world to United Nations ( and Human Rights Organizations on the plight of suffering humanity in Bahrain...



Thanks Bro. for uploading. We were in a protest here in USA today and we wish all the hope to all of you brothers and sisters. Our prayers are with you. Please convey our salam to all there.



@Genius, thanks for the upload. Many of ShiaTV viewers don't know Arabic. Can you possibly summarize the message of the Shaykh in English and put it in description of this video? Thanks.



Now it's your turn to help Bahrainis. Helping bahrain people has become a RESPONSIBILITY of every muslim... Say NO to injust rulers and mass murderers..