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Ya Ali madad from Quran and Rizqe halal by Molana syed reza jan kazmi Urdu

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Ya Ali Madad From Quran And Rizqe Halal By Molana Syed Reza Jan Kazmi Urdu
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You gave my name with your mojezati power Mr. Hawza boy. Now tell us who you are? Some kind of supernatural and super educated - jahil e namurakab. Or you are some kind of saint or you dont have an identity. I feel u dont have identity because if you had any you could have defended that as well by naming and tagging others. Afsoos sad afsoos on u.



muhammad ali alinorozi I have no kinship with molana muhammad reza jan kazmi just remember that u have to learn adab and dont be rude and dont insult ulama



ahle bait stopped us from Mujadillah I don?t want to waste my time. But every shia believes on mojeza miracle. This is mojeza of mola Ali. Iron never comes from the skies only zulfiqar came allama syed hashim bahrani is syaing in tafseer alburhan not me or molana! this is miracle As he was born in kaba. As he picked up the heavy door of kheybar



There is a lovely saying from Ahle bait which informs us not to talk with stubborn uneducated illiterates who don?t know anything and think they know everything. This is jahle murakab which means u don?t know and u don?t know that u don?t know. Talking with u is called Mujadellah (contention, argument, discord, conflict)



I don`t have enmity with the speaker. I don`t even know him neither I know this hawza guy who has shown his skills well in the last six msgs. I kind of know now that he is might have some kinship with the speaker. My question to you Mr. Hawza Guy: Can you satisfy me from this referencing that how does iron comes from sky? How did it come like rain?



Allama continues that the other tafseer of this verse 25 of sura hadid is that Allah sent Zulfiqar from the skies to the prophet pbuh and prophet gave it to Mola ali and it has many other explanations too so educate ur self and dont be rude, impolite and loutish



Allma narrates from ibne sahre ashoob he narrates from tafsere suddi he narrates from abi salih.he narrates from ibne abbas that what is the meaning of wa anzalna alhadid ? verse 25 of sura hadid! he says this verse has many explanations one of them is that Allah sent Zulfiqar from paradise with prophet adam and imam Ali inherited zulfiqar, the



do u know allama syed hashim bahrani? he is the writer of tafser alburhan. go and pick up a book and try to read instead of bluffing and insulting ulama. allama hashim bahrani has explained the verse 25 of sura hadid in his explanation tafseer Al Burhan Arabic edition volume 7 printed from Alalami institute for printings from Beirut Lebanon



alinorozi anzalna (we sent) has many meanings , like anzalnalmatar we sent the rain where does it comes from off course from the skies and regarding Tafseer explanation of this verse I am a student studding in hawza I have my research about this verse, verse 25 of sura hadid now listen to it and don?t be abu jahal, increase ur knowledge



alinorozi ?????? (we sent) has many meanings , like?????? ?????anzalnalmatar we sent the rain where does it comes from off course from the skies and regarding Tafseer explanation of this verse I am a student studding in hawza I have my research about this verse, verse 25 of sura hadid



alinorozi I know u very well, I know who are u ,where are u from and I know what is ur aim, I really dont want to expose u. I have heard the whole speech of molana mohammad kazmi. can u plz tell me what wrong did he say that u are insulting him and regarding Anzalnal hadeed again there is no wrong with it if u go and read books u will get answer



alinorozi u have proven ur enimty to aga reza kazmi by calling him fool illiterate. can u plz tell me what is wrong with his style. everyone has this style! most of our old speakers and ulama used to deliver speeches in this style hassan nasrullah gives his speeches in this style Imam Khomeini?s first speech when he came back was with same style



Im not insulting The Azadar, Im talkin about "The Fools". Therez huge difference between the two. Having said that, anyone wearing Ammama and acting to impress people, starts with the name of Allah and Masoom AS and then bluff, doesn't mean a Majlis. Majlis is smthing different. It isn't easy 4 u and likes of u to leave this habbit. Keep listening



in every era ulama were our supporters as hadith says Ulama are successors of Anbiya. It?s really very bad that an ignorant person insults a shia scholar. If u don?t like his style so don?t listen to him but u have no right to insult an alim by saying he is illiterate. I think u are illiterate as u don?t know how to talk to Ulama.



alinorozi u first go and listen to the speeches of Molana mohammad reza kazmi and then say who is illiterate Molana or u alinorozi! u should by shy of ur self insulting and alim by calling him illiterate where did u study ? how much did u study?



I realy dont know what to say to u and now u are insulting the azadar mourners of Imam e hussain by calling them fool < if u are fool and if u are not tahir yet so plz dont think others like ur self



I realy dont know what to say to u and now u are insulting the azadar mourners of Imam e hussain by calling them fool < if u are fool and if u are not tahir yet so plz dont think others like ur self



When the listeners are fools, than no surprise that there are fooling illiterates who become the symbol of religion. Majlis e Imam Hussain (AS) doesn't mean shouting and bluffing. Majlis e Hussain (AS) has a "Taharat". And we fools are not Tahir yet. Taharat e Majlis Hussain (AS) is "SHAOOR", wisdom of identifying difference between good and bad.



alinorozi what kind of shia U are that insulting majlise Imam Hussain and calling it a "Fooling majlis". and dont u know that prophet and Ahlulbait asked us not to insult or accuse anyone why are u insulting an Alim by using such a bad words as (You are making fool out of people.) do u think reciting Fazail of Ahlulbait is making fool out of people



muje booth afsoos ho raha ha ki hum apne he alam ka mazaaq uda rahe hai mari baie ye theeq nahie hai agar af rahebar ali khaminie ka farssi ma topic suno ge to ka kho ge
ye theeq nahie ha fir to allama sheed arif hussain ke bato ko sunne ma hasi to nahie aa rahie hai
moulana mohd raza koie aam alim nahie hai ye msahid ma pada hai us ka english ma



alinorozi how u dare to call majlis e Imam Hussain a "Fooling majlis"



I don?t know why some people don?t like to listen to Fazail Virtues of Ahle bait PBUT! I agree that message of Ahle bait PBUT should be mentioned! But this doesn?t means that u object on Virtues of Ahle bait and call a majlis a "Fooling majlis" this is what Wahabis say!



salam dear brother
I dont know who are u? but u have no right to insult a majlis in which virtues of mola Ali are mentioned! by calling that majlis a "Fooling majlis" and if u have any problem with aga muhammad reza jan kazmi regarding his style and Anzalnal hadeed? plz find out his email or no. and ask him directly
wish u good luck



It is very unpleasant and a typical "Fooling majlis", waste of time, and not connected. Afsoos sad afsoos. Why you have to shout? Why you have to act? Anzalnal hadeed? Who told you that when ayaat are sent (nazool) means that it comes from sky. You are making fool out of people. Do not do it.