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صحیفہ نور | Imam Zamana ajf key hawaley sey Jahilana behes sey perhaiz karain | Supreme Leader Khamenei - Urdu

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صحیفہ نور | Imam Zamana Ajf Key Hawaley Sey Jahilana Behes Sey Perhaiz Karain | Supreme Leader Khamenei - Urdu
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kuhda salamat rkhy is azeem rahbr e inqlab e islami ko



ya khuda rhbar e muazam ke umr min azafa frama



May Allah protect the trustworthy leader who is not only looking out for the social and political affairs of the Muslim Ummah but also protecting the aqaid (faith), such as Mahdawiyat. It is essential that we do not cross our boundaries ever. Our talk should be based on logic & references rather than emotions ONLY. Allahuma Ayyad Qaed Al-Muslimeen.