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[Ramadhan 2012][06] Wiladat Imam Hasan (A.S) - H.I. Abbas Ayleya - English

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[Ramadhan 2012][06] Wiladat Imam Hasan (A.S) - H.I. Abbas Ayleya - English
[Ramadhan 2012][6] Wiladat Imam Hasan (A.S) - H.I. Abbas Ayleya - English
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Imam Mujtaba (a.s) narration paraphrased, Be in duniya with your body and in akhirat with your qalb. Means our souls need to be attached with Akhirat. We have to live in this world with our body, not with our qalb.



So sad what the people around Imam Hasan (a.s) did to him. Amazing how love of this world deceive people. Surprisingly, the people do not even end up getting what they sold their faith for... This is a lesson for all of us... There is no reason and need that we should butter-up the taghoot.



Masha'Allah good speech; especially the definition of Masjid e Jamae in Islam. I love the narration about Imam Hussain (a.s) in E'tekaf and Imam Hasan (a.s) comments about it... Simply beautiful ! May Allah help us understand the priorities and precedence in Islam.