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Pakistani Shia Muslims demand action after attack - 17 Feb 13 - English

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Pakistani Shia Muslims Demand Action After Attack - 17 Feb 13 - English
Pakistani Shias demand action after attack - 17 Feb 13 - English
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Chinese don't see bogus Aljazeera, CNN, etc. No one care about these USA, UK, Israeli, Saudi channels with lying every second of time in every part of the globe.



@AliAli. Yes Aljazeera is USA, UK, Israeli, Saudi project.



The Zionist agenda of divide and rule will not succeed Insha'Allah. Long live Shia/Sunni unity. Long live Islam. Down with Zionism.



Sunni Muslims and their leaders have never embraced these outlawed terrorist organizations, such as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Sipah-e-Sahaba. Sunni Muslims & Shia Muslims have lived together in solidarity and brotherhood for centuries. And still continue to live side-by-side.



Aljazeera, as usual, spews its sectarian twist in there by making sure it attaches Lashkar-e-Jhangvi with Sunni Muslims. Aljazeera has done it repeatedly, as a matter of policy and strategy. All of this to please their Zionist Masters...