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Kyun Media Main Aurat Ko Istamal Kya Jata Hay - Urdu

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Kyun Media Main Aurat Ko Istamal Kya Jata Hay - Urdu
Kyun Media Main Aurat Ko Istamal Kya Jata Hay - Urdu Production:SuchTv
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Is it just another step towards secularizing Pakistan's public on the track of "Turkey-style secular Islam"? The Zionists have planned to export Turkey's "modern" Islam in Pakistan because they are so scared of Islam e Na'ab e Muhammadi (s). Is this a step towards taking the essence of Hijab away? Please be vigilant!



Realizing the unprecedented growth in the religious sentiments of general population after Islamic Revolution in Iran, and latest tide of Islamic Awakening in the region, is Sach TV trying to take a lead over other media outlets and be the first one to capture these audiences?



Even the lady in this short video does not have a proper Islamic Hijab and is wearing make-up! So why this push towards "Parda" and "Hijab"? Is it just a sales tactic? Majority of population in Pakistan is religious and love Islam, is Sach TV trying to capture those audiences???



Oh so now media outlets with predominantly "secular agendas" decide to preach respect of women and Islam? Surprising! I just went to their website and the pictures of women on their website expose their hypocrisy. They themselves are using these women for the same purpose! Isn't that shameful?