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Nakvisson reports - Ashura Procession Oslo, Norway - December 2011 [English, Norwegian]

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Nakvisson Reports - Ashura Procession Oslo, Norway - December 2011 [English, Norwegian]
Ashura procession held in Oslo, Norway on 8th of Muharram - Sunday the 4th of December 2011
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@AliAli: Yes indeed, it is the spirit of Ashura that has made the arrogant powers a victim of insomnia. The downed 'bird' a few days before Ashura should put them at peace for the time being at least. :)



@Mustazafeen: Yes, I have heard the same about Urdu. Urdu sounds like a beautiful language. There were also Urdu speaking people in the procession. It was a good mix of people with different cultural backgrounds really. But all identify themselves as Norwegian Shia Muslims.



Great report. Thanks @Nakvisson. The movement of Imam Al-Hussain (a.s) is global and the voice of every oppressed around the world. The divine message of Imam Hussain has traveled hundreds of years and still carries its freshness. Imam's movement is a threat for all the arrogant powers of all times.



Thanks, actually in Urdu JA means totally different that?s why asked; this is a miracle, can you tell what percentage of migrant shias vs. local Norway people participated?



@Mustazafeen: They are chanting in Norwegian .. Hussain Hussain we chant, Hussain Hussain we mourn, no to terror, no to Yazid, yes to Hussain etc... Ja = Yes, Nei = No :)



Mashallah , nice video , what people are chanting? what language is that ? Please some one translate.