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Eid-e-Ghadeer 1432 - Shairi (Poetry) By Zawar Bismil - At Jamea Urwat-ul-Wuthqa - Urdu

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Eid-E-Ghadeer 1432 - Shairi (Poetry) By Zawar Bismil - At Jamea Urwat-Ul-Wuthqa - Urdu
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Good upload @HaniHBK. This passionate love of Ahlulbayt (a.s) is essential as long as it is accompanied by strong reasoning and unshakable intellectual evidences about our aqaid. May Allah protect our scholars who are attempting to bring other speakers close to the ideology.



@HaniHBK. Although I can understand bit by bit, but I can feel that its a very natural sharing. Keep it up.



Good interaction among scholars, speakers and general public is the best option of the time... Its the demand of the Eid-e-Gadeer...



Nice sharing.