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Bahrain Protests in Pictures - The brutal killing by Bahrani and Saudi police - All Languages

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Bahrain Protests In Pictures - The Brutal Killing By Bahrani And Saudi Police - All Languages
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@Russia. I search the global statistics data. Bahrain is truly in crisis. Fat kings rule and eating flesh and drinking blood of public.



thats true, but what isnt right is that most of the country is shia and they are all in a very bad condition. the rulers are all cruel. lanatullahi ala qawm al dhalimeen...



Respectfully, its not about being Shia or Sunni, Some of those martyred in Bahrain were Sunni Brothers. Its about oppressors and opressed ones. We are with all oppressed of the world



Please do not give up! March on the golden path of Karbala. All world mominin are with you. Long live momonin! Down with Yazidis who keep on changing their cruel faces!



Bahrain has 99.9% Shia Mominin Population. But a group of Yazidis are ruling over these mominin. These Yazidis are killing innocents. We support mominin of Bahrain for their legal and genuine rights!