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یوم آزای کے تقاضے Pakistan Independence Day - H.I. Raja Nasir - 14Aug11 - Urdu

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یوم آزای کے تقاضے Pakistan Independence Day - H.I. Raja Nasir - 14Aug11 - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Allama Raja Nasir Abbas delivered this speech on 14 August 2011 in Islamabad.
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Expected to be 1st Shia Muslim population state in near future may be before year-2020. As per statistics and census ratios.



I was studying today in library that Pakistan has crossed 177000000 population figure. And ranked 5th in world. Shia Muslims have one of the highest production rate in Pakistan, about 65Million in 1998.



One thing more important is CHARACTER. Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah won the battle of Pakistan with truth, honesty and above all his superior character.



@AliAli. Yes absolutly right...



What we need to work towards in Pakistan:
1) Patriotism (Watan Dosti)
2) Protection of Values (religious and regional)
3) Transparent Democratic System (creation of election commission)
4) Leadership that represents the sentiments of the public.