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Who Supports Hezbollah and Why? - English

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Who Supports Hezbollah And Why? - English
Autograph of an author and veteran Middle East correspondent/generalist Thanassis Campanis he wrote allot about middle since 2003 in Boston Globe, NY Times, Global Post, etc. He is now joining Susan Modaress to discuss his book "A Privilege to Die" inside Hezbollah legends and war... Show More >>
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This guy Thanassis Cambanis is a sellout. A few years after this interview he goes on to spread lies and propaganda against Bashar Al Assad and Syria. Supporting the western backed terrorists in Syria.

Not to mention he says some stupid stuff towards the end like implying Hezbollah should not be connected with Iran and criticizing them for the March rally which was necessary to protect Hezbollah and their telecommunications that is why Hezbollah supporters went out to the streets.

This guy may have said some good things here but he is a lying sellout in the end