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Shohda-e-Azadari Conference - Part 1 of 3 - MWM - Urdu

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Shohda-E-Azadari Conference - Part 1 Of 3 - MWM - Urdu
Shohda-e-Azadari Conference conducted by Majlis e Wahdat e Muslimeen This part contains speeches of Moulana Aqueel Sadqi, Moulana Abbas Waziri and Moulana Ameen Shahidi and Mr. Ibadullah father of Shaheed Kalimullah. This part also contains noha recited by Brother Ali Deep Rizvi, Brother Shuja... Show More >>
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No wise will weaken this institution to build other institutions. Modes of propagation of your ideology is the strongest of your strengths. Again, important is that we perform Muharram activities as Imams said.



Muharram activities (majalis etc.) is the largest media of the world we have; with largest audiences. It just needs to be used in the way Ahlulbayt (a.s) taught us.



@smashah, I am already sold out on the idea that education is important. Suggesting a simpler life style would be more beneficial in the long run than channelizing Muharram activities funds :)



@AliAli, The Success of Shias lies in better education, good help for humanity, serving to the world. They MUST need better than best communication among themselves. NO COMMUNICATION GAP!!!



@AliAli, Moharram Majalis are good source to teach Shias to get good education. I hope Shias come forward & establish world class institutes. They spend 6Billion in just 10days. They can do wonders...



@AliAli, DevBand has come in 1862, OK. Better check The East India Company (India Office Lib, UK). Now they are spread but still just 2% of total Pakistani population!!!



@AliAli, In2010,I come across a number of institutes, like Dar-e-Arqam, Ghazali School System, ILM-UMT, MAJU, Punjab Colleges Group,etc.All these are run by Jamat-e-Islami(DevBand Sect) in Pakistan!!



That said, offcourse funds should be allocated towards madaris and university education. I don't think we, as a nation, become broke after spending on Muharram activities...



@smashah, all of the sectors you mentioned are important to be focused on. Muharram gatherings and programs are as necessary as other sectors, if not more. Hence, no need to channelize funds.



As estimated Shias in Pakistan spen about 6Biilion Rupees in Moharam alone! MWM should consider over it to channelize this sum towards Madaris, Universities, Students etc.



I hope MWM will insist on education for all boys & girls. MWM MUST arrange workshops, seminars (Majalis) to communicate these problems all over Pakistan....



In 2010,in my visit to Pakistan,I observed many problems of 2nd largest Shia population in the world(census-1998).1.Education,2.Leadership,3.Politically weak,4.Discipline,5.communication.I hope MWM...