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انقلاب اسلامی کے ثمرات [SEMINAR] Fruits of the Islamic Revolution - Urdu

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انقلاب اسلامی کے ثمرات [SEMINAR] Fruits Of The Islamic Revolution - Urdu
Clips from the seminar on the topic of Fruits of the Islamic Revolution. Ayatullah Agha Bahauddini delivered a great speech as well...
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Shia [meaning, the true muslim lovers of The Last Prophet Mohammad and his AhlulBayat (Peace be upon him and progeny) i.e. 14Masuimin] always work for justice, equality, knowledge and love to humanity



@AliAli, The Muslims look towards Iran for justice, love and a pious voice. It brings true hope to them for bringing unity, peace and love.



So soft and pious AyatUllah Agha Bahauddini! Thanks for sharing his good speech here.



'Allah Humma Salle Ala Mohammad wa Aley Mohammad'
* * * * * O' Allah send all peace (salutation) upon Mohammad and his pious Progeny! (PBUHP).



Islamic Revolution in Iran is the source of awakening in the whole world, especially in the Middle East. Long Live Islam. Long Live Muslim Unity. We are united against the world's arrogant powers.