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[Yume Hussain AS - KU] Speech H.I. Sayyed Jawwad Naqvi - 25Jan2012 - Urdu

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[Yume Hussain AS - KU] Speech H.I. Sayyed Jawwad Naqvi - 25Jan2012 - Urdu
Yume Hussain a.s held at University of Karachi Organized by Imamia Students Organization Pakistan Karachi Division Chief Guest : Hujjatul Islam Sayyed Jawwad Naqvi Date : 25 January 2012 Recorded by : Wisdom Gateway Productions Pakistan +92-345-2487579, +92-322-4468100
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While address Karachi University students he said that public is playing their role by organizing and managing religious events, it is the fault of learned people who know problems but still do not come forward to fix them. An Engineering simply witnessing house construction cannot blame people who did not construct it right; it was Engineer?s job



Maualan Jawad Naqvi says that Ahle Illm (Knowledgeable) and Jahil (Illiterate) are not equal, it is the responsibility of the Ahle Illm (students, teachers, professionals or scholars) not to isolate themselves with hopelessness in the system whereas educate Jahil otherwise it will be a further chaos.



Maualan Jawad Naqvi says do not merely criticize the rituals, do not follow the road map of Jahil, do not follow the system set up by ignorant where as refine and fix the problems in these road maps and ritual, stopping or abandoning them will not serve the purpose because once they are stop they cannot be brought back.



While address Karachi University students he said that what a side plight that we hardly known any Pakistani politics who actually came into politics after studying political science, where as every politician in came through various means.