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[لبیک یا حسین ع کانفرنس] Speech H.I. Raja Nasir Abbas - 21 April 2013 - Urdu

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[لبیک یا حسین ع کانفرنس] Speech H.I. Raja Nasir Abbas - 21 April 2013 - Urdu
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We will be victorious, Insha'Allah. Let's be kind with other believers and strict with kuffar.



@HaniHBK it is all good as long as it does not result in personal attacks on any scholar and it is not with group mentality. Standing by the Haqq is important brothers. And let's not make someone Kulle Eeman and Kulle Kufr :) The era is the era of Islam as said by Vali Amr Muslimeen. Stay steadfast and follow the akhlaq of our Imams.



Because some people talk in a way that they are supporting Adjustments with the Taghooti System & also supporting Nizam-e-Ilahi; no we need to support only one path, with all due respect to the Ulemas.



@AliAli - Brother, we don't mean to be respectful. All Ulemas are respectful and must be respected at all costs, no matter what they think. What I'm trying to convey is that we must inform people that this Thinking of Adjusting with the System of Taghoot is contradictory to Islamic Teachings. That's it.



That said, we still need to be respectful while disagreeing. It is just like we do not agree with many concepts and ideologies of our Sunni brothers, yet we do not disrespect or insult them.



The only divine system of governance in Imamat & Valayat. All of our respectable scholars agree to this notion theoretically. And none of them have practically implemented it in Pakistan yet. Agha Jawad (H.A) is the only scholar (that I know of) who is making us all realize that this is the ONLY system we should strive for. May Allah bless him.



@HaniHBK I agree with the points that you have mentioned. I concur that the ONLY system is the system of Valayah. In addition, I believe that if this system is understood correctly, explained correctly, and implemented correctly, it will be equally acceptable by the Sunni & Shia Muslims.



Some people think Implementing a system of Wilayah is far more difficult, so we should only think to save our community from being attacked or at least give this issue our first priority.\r\nWhether or not they accept this fact but their action shows the same they think Wilayat is a tool to safe Shia First.



If there is one Muta'ahid Aalim, then the rest Non-Muta'ahid Ulema start to disagree with him. Well, many issues. All in All, our Ulema need to become Aalim-e-Ba Amal, if they have studied 15 years in Qom and have taken Examination Numbers on Imamat, then that is not enough, now they should propogate it in their nations.



So how can you implement the System of Wilayat-e-Faqih? The answer is simple: one can easily promote the Ilahi System which Allama Iqbal talks about, by this way you can even capture the attention of our Sunni Brothers. So, there is no issue brother, the REAL PROBLEM is that Pakistan does not have those Ulemas who are Muta'ahid.



Ulema study 15-20 years in Qom, studying Aqaed-e-Islami, studying Imamat, whereas upon returning to their nation they talk about Democracy. Is Imamat just for the sake of Ilm-e-Kalam and having Discussions?! Or is it for Implementation? Ok fine, some might say that Pakistan has 20% Shias and 80% Sunnis and other sects, how can you (Continued)...



Brother, How in the world will you prepare for the Zahoor of Imam Mehdi (May Allah Hasten his Return) by living under the Shadow of Democracy.And its very very Sad that MWM is bringing proofs of Hezbollah that they also had the same strategy of ''adjusting with the system'' whereas the Political situation in Lebanon is very much diff. than Pakistan



On the one hand, Some Ulemas are indirectly injecting this thought in the minds of the people that the only Solution is adjusting with the System, whereas this is Contradictory to the teachings of the Pure Islam.



@AliAli - Brother, this is not a small thing that MWM has promised to block Takfiris (and it might do it) and on the other hand Agha Jawad is talking abt the System of Wilayat - No! These are contradictory things, brother! MWM and it's Ulema are talking about having ''faith'' in Democracy, whereas the Fikr of Imam Khomeini is talking abt Imamat!



As I mentioned earlier, to me, if MWM is able to block a few nasibis and takfiris, I think they have delivered what they promised. People are not expecting anything more than that... Agha Syed Jawad is the only aalim who is guiding towards a system of Valayat in Pakistan and his ideology will prevail insha'Allah.



Brother, I personally may have more grievances and concerns about MWM, their strategy, or their performance, which I am always open to question or discuss. Yet I am a proponent of maintaining mutual respect, especially respecting our ulama till they are proven to be an enemy of Islam.



Whether they were able to carry those out or not needs evaluation; and Alhamdolillah Shia Muslims do not have independent systems to evaluate performances and focus on continuous improvement because its overwhelming population is busy in bashing and insulting other Shias. :)



@kazim79 so it seems like the topic is changing now and we are going from discussing MWM's election strategy to MWM's inception. Brothers we need to look at the history in this case. I think this "grouping" existed for a long time now. (You may not be old enough to know). Moreover MWM aimed to do some things that existing organizations couldn't do.



@aliali aaba qaba is although our religious symbol but it does not mean that a man wearing such dress and began to preaching (promoting) of wrong ideology on the name of Shiat.



@aliali If I repeat the question of HaniHBK, describe the reasons on which it was necessary to establish a new shia forum namely MWM. Umat must be well awarded and should know the right path.



Most importantly, we need to promote the culture of respecting our scholars, unless they are 100% proven to be a traitor. We need to protect the dignity of the "dress of Prophet". It is our real power - ammama and aba/qaba...



Humbly, I think that it is a high time for Shias of Pakistan to act with maturity and patience - and that does not mean that we become naive and do not criticize any strategy or action. Yet we need to promote mutual respect and educate masses with logic and references more than "jazbati" statements.



Yet I believe that the lines will be crossed and in these type of scenarios, there is always a fear that Shias will start confronting each other which may lead in to fighting against each other or even worse, giving an opportunity to the enemies to sow this discord and create fitna. May Allah protect our sincere believers and scholars.



@HaniHBK I pray that you are doing well. Insha'Allah. It is indeed a good question / comment. I concur that there should not be two separate groups of Shia Muslims investing energies in the same domain. I think both Tehreek and MWM are playing in the same domain, i.e. customary political arena. Although they would claim certain differences in their approaches, strategies, and ideologies.



The question is, would blocking the way of Takfiri groups strengthen the Imamat or will it weaken it... I think we all understand the fact that this alone is not the ultimate goal of implementing pure Muhammadan Islam in Pakistan... Some think though that this is an interim step.



@kazim79 dear brother there is no disagreement on the topic of sticking to the principles and path of Imamat. That is the ultimate goal and every effort we make should be directed to strengthen Imamat.



One question to Brother AliAli - MWM is talking about Wahdat between all groups, all sects, all.....we see that Agha Sajid Naqvi is already contesting for Elections since so many years, even this year. My question is: When Agha Sajid is already there, then why make a new Party ''MWM''? Instead they shud strenghten Agha Sajid Naqvi, right?



Uprise your nation against this corrupt system, and guide it to the right path that is system of Imamat. Struggle to disgust this system (democracy) and concentrate on imamat, unite on imamat. Never lose your ideology against enemy and neither deviate yourself from your values. God bless us in this way. If again and again we were to fall in this type of dictatorship (democracy), then what was the aim to establish MWM? What were its causes upon which these people were split from previous setup?



The answers of your all questions is in a single line. Tell me which nation in Pakistan will introduce the nizame imamat, who will publicize this system?



This is the ideology of Macalvi (an eastern politician) that in each and every case you must attain govt or may become its part. Some time you may become part of the govt on losing your values. You have no way, no method to implement willayat from this corrupt system of govt.



De Ke Ehsas-e-Zayan Tera Lahoo Garma De
Faqr Ki Saan Charha Kar Tujhe Talwar Kare
He may make your blood seethe with sense of harm
And on faqr?s whetstone may to sword transform.



Tu Ne Puchi Hai Imamat Ki Haqeeqat Mujh Se
Haq Tujhe Meri Tarah Sahib-e-Asrar Kare.

?What Guidance signifies you wish to know,
Insight, like me, may God on you bestow?
Hai Wohi Tere Zamane Ka Imam-e-Barhaq
Jo Tujhe Hazir-o-Mojood Se Bezar Kare
?He is true guide and teacher of your age,
Who can with present fill your mind with rage?



These are just a few, I have many more questions in mind that you brothers may help me clear up. Let's all work as a true and responsible follower of Imam Mahdi (a.s). Only our enemies will benefit if we continue to point fingers and label our scholars.



The next question is: - Living in Pakistan, what is the best working model to unite with our Sunni brothers and creating a system for the betterment of Islam and Muslims? What are the potential models to eliminate the foreign intervention in Pakistan by the Zionists?



The next question is: - Is MWM's practical strategy resulting in the ideological deviation of general masses from Islam or bringing them close to Islam?



The next question is: - Would MWM's strategy result in disappointment and hopelessness in general Shia Muslims after elections? Please share if you have any stats of different areas of Pakistan.



The next question is:
- Should we, as Shia Muslims, let these extremist elements to come in power? If we do so, is it going to strengthen or weaken the system of valayat already established in 1979 by Imam (r.a)?



I guess there are a few questions to begin with:
- What has MWM claimed to achieve as a result of their involvement in this political system of Pakistan? Have they claimed that this strategy will install the system of valayat in Pakistan? Or is it just an attempt to block the path of some extremist elements? I think it is the latter.



It is ok to ask questions in pursuit of understanding the practical strategy of each of these groups. Yet we have to be careful in NOT making judgments of their "intentions". Let us follow the guidelines of Islam provided by our beloved Prophet (s) and his immaculate Ahlulbayt (a.s). This is a humble reminder that we all agree upon, as Shia Muslims.



Also it is a blessing that majority of these active organizations and ulama openly announce and feel proud of their affiliation and submission to the Islamic system of Valayatul Faqih. Based on that we need to respect the efforts made by them.



Respected brothers, it is very easy to label any alim or any organization which strives to do something. That is why many ulama and organizations shy away from doing anything. So let's consider the fact that we now have scholars and organizations that are trying to do something.



Hizbullah is participating in Democracy system of lebanon, but not making a system of imamat,Brother Hizbullah is following nizam-e Wialayat and Imamat, but not supporting Taghoot.In your opinion hizb must be a biggest supporter of taghoot as they are participating in current system of lebanon.



So democracy is the best solution to make us a power of state,when you are in power you can empose your system (Nizam-e Wilayat). As Hizbullah in Lebanon is doing, Hizbullah is a powerfull Group in Lebanon, how?? by using a power of Vote in following of Nizam-e Wilayat.



When you are not in power and you want to stand against state, its called Baghawat, it means you want to make a state with in state,



@kazim79 in era of Ghaibat, after Nawwab-e Arbaa, (selected by Imam ATFS) we have to select our leaders,
and for making a system to follow nizame wilayat you have work for it to become more powerful to produce a wilayat madar system.



@kazim79 if you are talking about Wilayat-e Faqih so who is selecting him? and how??
please read about Selection of Wali-e Faqih, he will be selected by Voting, which is a kind of democracy



Have you worked for System of Imamat, can explain what is it?? and how you can implement it when Imam ATFS is in Ghaibat??
who will be the Imam of Ummah???



Excellent speech.



Nation acquire you, what did you deliver to this nation; your struggle is for democracy and not for system of imamat. You are not struggling for system of imamat. You are just promoting the enemies plans that are laid down by the enemies of Allah. For God sake don?t promote the establishment views and leave begging from this existence establishment. Pakistan came into existence on the system of imamat. Struggle for this ideal system that is system of Hussani, which was given by our national poet Allama Iqbal. Don?t waste energy on useless issues.