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امريکہ سے نفرت ميں اضافہ ہورہا ہے, قائد انقلاب - Urdu

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امريکہ سے نفرت ميں اضافہ ہورہا ہے, قائد انقلاب - Urdu
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It's not a prediction, it is a fact, a fact based on evidence. It is so true that the hatred towards American policies have hiked up in last decade. The core reason is white-houses's war-mongering policy of enslaving other nations. This will come to an end just like other forms of oppression have. The sooner the masses wake up, the sooner it will b



A very good prediction by pious Rahber.



Zions (USA, EU, Israel,...) will drown their own ship one day...!