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Ahmadinejad New Year Message 1390 احمدینژاد پیام سال نو - Farsi

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Ahmadinejad New Year Message 1390 احمدینژاد پیام سال نو - Farsi
President Ahmadinejad message on the occasion of Nowruz.
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But why his Chinese is not here.



He is President. I have see his many photos in Chinadaily, He is soft and good President. He is like Chou En Lai.



President Dr. Mahmood Ahmadinejad message on the occasion of Nowruz. He is speaking about the best wishes and the best livings for all.



@shababrazvi. My dear just hear his words attentively, as Farsi is like Urdu. Farsi is mother of Urdu. 99% Urdu is composed of Farsi. I learnt Farsi by listening Rahber's speeches.



Salam Alaikum..!!plz make available this video in urdu or english want to hear Ahmad bhai's message...will b really thankful.khzz.