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Shaheed Arif Hussaini (ra) Paasban-e-Khat-e-Imam (ra) - Ustad Syed Jawad Naqavi - 5th August 2012 - Urdu

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Shaheed Arif Hussaini (Ra) Paasban-E-Khat-E-Imam (Ra) - Ustad Syed Jawad Naqavi - 5th August 2012 - Urdu
Program Held on 5th August 2012 - 24th Martyrdom Anniversary of Shaheed Arif Hussain Al-Hussaini (ra) - At Hawza-e-Ilmiya Jamea Urwat-ul-Wuthqa
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This is truly one amazing speech I have ever listened to about Shaheed Quaid Allama Arif Hussaini (r.a). May Allah elevate the status of Shaheed. May Allah protect and give long life to this true Aalim, Ustad Syed Jawad Naqavi. He is a blessing.



(2) Iltaqat: Take the name of Islam but also take advantage of non-Islamic systems to achieve certain goals. Mixture of Islam and non-Islam to achieve certain goals. Puts a pinch of Islam to keep the flavor of Islam. e.g. Ghamadi etc.



Threats to Islam e Naab

(1) Tahajjur: Silent, inactive, and passive religion. Sukoot / Jumood. Takes a pinch from Islam and considers it as full Islam. e.g. Talibani Fikr etc.