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**PLEASE COMMENT** Is Ammar Nakshwani promoting unislamic culture? English

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**PLEASE COMMENT** Is Ammar Nakshwani Promoting Unislamic Culture? English
What is he trying to promote? You be the judge !!!
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This is non sense ..... Why people invites him to come and talk like this about our scholars ...stop promoting ammar and its thinking



I stopped watching this guy for many things he has said. Including false arguments against wiliyat al faqih which you can see here. Also the money thing really throws me off too the way he pushes it. Its bad enough in my opinion to take loads of cash for the service of imam Hussain(as) but too condemn and call all scholars who don't follow your unislamic practice a disease is wrong to me. Hence I tend to avoid his speeches and lectures.



...Ok..We should pay to speaker as per our capacity but it shouldn't be demand from speaker...otherwise the aim of majalis will be failed and it be materialistic too



If Nakshawani wishes to charge money, he is free to do so, Allah will be the judge. However what repulses me is that he feels the need to put down other great ulema who are much, much more wiser and knowledgable than him. He has lost all respect in my eyes. The mimbar is not for calling our Marajieen a 'disease'. May Allah have mercy.






Melbourne,Australia shia mosque needs an Alim.Its the young generation who must call an Alim instead of listening to the speakers.Shia of Melbourne Australia pls know the diff bw an Alim and a speaker.



Pps who calls speakers to their center:Pls call an Alim as Alim is our teacher someone we all must follow and respect.And end calling speakers.Ammar a speaker calls An Alim a disease.Shame on him and his his supporters who dont understand Haq



Answer for supporters of Ammar:Thr is a diff bw an Alim and Speaker.An Alim has min of 15-30 yrs of education from recognized howze, has practical actions Taqwa.Majority people dont know who an Alim is thats why they listen to anyone.An truth Alim is always boycotted.Muslims boycotted Imam but loved them.History repeats.Ammar is not an Alim



Then Imambargah will become a place similar to the bohri community, where even the seats are auctioned and the rich gets a better place to sit.......and probably there will be a ticket to even enter the house of Imam Hussain......Allah save us from that time!!



Just remember - before you enjoy judging someone, say 72 good things about him 1st. Then bash and hate on him as much as u want.



@defence: lanat on Yazeed! look at ur comparison. U want to compare yazeed (la) with brother Sayyid Ammar Nakshwani? Obvs we have to do Amr Bil Maroof and Nahy Anil Munkar, but I guess im not the type of guy that would judge a Sayyid like that. If u read my comments below I never said I agree wtih him. Ijust dont think we should be bashing him.



Example: I'm a business man, I have a product that costs $10,000 if you feel that you can afford it, then buy it. If you cant afford it then don't buy it. I don't care about you, I'm just looking for that right customer to buy my product to make me happy:) I don't know people, Let Allah Be The Judge, for He is the Lord of judges.



answer given by brother Arif Rizvi..



@Shan128, how about this: let's not judge Yazeed either? Dear brother, Islam requires us to judge the actions of others. If we do not judge then how do we perform Amr bil Maroof Wa Nahy Anil Munkar? NOTE: Judging is different than guessing and suspecting. In case of Ammar, actions speak louder than his words. His words just certified his actions.



Ammar has officially announced his formal membership in "SCHOLARS FOR DOLLARS" club. We are so glad that Allah protected Islam from wealth loving speakers like him. Looks like a few people love him so much that they are ok with Ammar labelling sincere scholars of Islam as a DISEASE. Fear Allah...



Come on guys,Scholars who do not Charge high fee are Stingy? And you are still saying there is nothing wrong in what Mr. Armani oh sorry, Mr. Ammar is saying. If I cannot afford his HIGH fee then he will simply go to a rich person and will still be calling pious scholars who don't charge HIGH fee as DISEASE. Seriously You do not see any problem ?



There is nothing wrong for what he is saying, i mean come on what is wrong with you ppl plz move on and listen to the rest of his lectures and you all get to know how much he is doing for propagating ahlul bayt all around the world , you ppl dont know may be that a one tv anchor who was doing just an hour talk show on tv gets paid approx 10 lacs/mo



Salaams how can you all talk crap when you do not even know Syed Nakshwani, listen to what he says before you make these comments the guy from Tanzania who started this agains Syed he is at fault for promoting hate within the community, we are doing a good job hurting and killing each other we do not need outsiders. May Allah bless Syed Nakshwani



the reason other speakers never commented or said anything about this speaker is because- they dont judge, thats y i said judging is a disease. :)



mahdi313 please read my comment again as your reply to mine doesnt make any sense.



i had doubts about this syed,since when us humans taught the quran to the imam, lies just goes to show what he thinks about the imams,i do agree they should be paid but theres has to be a limit, one more for the dried river bed in Qum



Salaam!I think Mr Ammar has exposed himself,These ppl without demand giving too much money..He must be thankful to the mimber e rasool.What ever he said in the clip is unjustified,If he know ay of hadith in this regard pl give the ref;..dont misgiude innocent ppl.



There is a diff. b/w giving what one can afford and a speaker demanding a fee. Muharram should not be commercialized..the event of Kerbala should not be viewed as commodity. People get confused with the argument of "The Alim has to feed his family" this not about the family, but about greed and Hub-e Dunya.Calling other Ulema a"Disease" is wrong.



I totally agree with his opinion. Just like any other occupation speakers too needs to get paid, they too r human beings n have life and expenses. If some of them like him charge 'high' it?s their 'Hagh' their ?Right? and they deserve it, because they are one of the best speakers, they r indeed an artist. U know that, I know that, n ppl who invite



@shan128: assalmun alaikum, i just wanted to mke a clrification that i dont think any of the commentors called sayed ammar a disease or stingy because that is disrespsctful. in fact he is the one who called other moulanas and scholars a disease in the society, astaghfirullah!



Assalamun Alaykum every1.
1st off,we shouldn't JUDGE the speaker. Judging some1 is a "DISEASE." We are NOBODY to judge. What he saying about the movie ticket &fancy cars is true! But talking about other speakers n saying they are stingy is a no go. We should worry about ourselves not him.B4 judging any1, say72good things about the person 1st.


Did Imam Hussain(a.s)and his holy family charged ummah for getting martyred. what about scholars from Mufid to Khomeini a.r.,Did they charge anything for leaving legacy of scholarly work?If not then who gave these commercial speakers right to convert love of Imam Hussain a.s into business using Ahlulbayt a.s, as a backdrop while using others work.



truth is always bitter it is our responsibility to enjoin good and forbid evil and I THINK brother Ammar is doing so!



agreed with AliAli!!!



Very true why are some people willing to pay huge amounts of money on cars etc and when it comes to something about Islam they dont like paying???Why because you cant show off with it or it doesnt give you an image.



Don't you feel bad for that guy? Doesn't he deserve some cash for all those sound waves that he shoves out his throat? I don't mean it in a mean way, but seriously... speakers need cash to recharge their throats or else their mouth will be dry...



It is so sad to know Ammar feels watching film, football match is same as zikr of AbaAbdillah, he should be removed from the pulpit, he is making wrong to right..shame on him and the jamaat who pays him, he even asked his high price tag to uni kids and refused if not paid his tag....shame on u AMMAR WHAT R U GOING TO SAY TO OUR IMAM...U R GREEDY



@abbasbil. i can see that his lectures are very islamically related and he teaches us the islamic knowledge we need. but is it right to call all the other ulamas, who may have even studied more than him, but dont charge money for their lectures as stingy or a disease in the society? may allah have mercy on him.



@amuslim. we have been having lectures for two decades but is it modest to ask for money? asking is different from giving. when imam ali gave lectures in kufa to teach his people the true religion, did he ever talk about first getting his money and then teaching the people about the religion? just something to ponder upon...



Must Read Book "Adaab-e-Ahl-e-Mimbar" by ayatullah tibrisi



Amar is correct. There are lots of cheap people in this world. When in comes to spending in the name of Islam we have a problem, but we are willing to beautify and show off what we have every chance we get. God save us all.



Firstly, the person who posted this video to raise even a doubt on what S. Amar is saying makes me believe he is not Shia. Secondly the first comment posted on this subject is foolish. All Imams charge, we have been calling lecturers for over 2 decade and have/want to set a price before committing. How is that un-Islamic.



Shaheed Mutahhari (r.a) says: Those who demand money for delivering lectures, they are dipping their food in the blood of Sayyed ush Shuhada Imam Hussain (a.s) and eating it.



Please check this clip of Agha Jan Ali Shah Kazmi, he is speaking about those speakers who preach for money.



Respected brothers, @kayzee and @abbasbil, I advise you not to sacrifice the teachings and principles of Islam defined by our Prophet & Imams over our personal likings and inclinations. Let's not reinvent the wheel.



Now let's assume that Ammar has done something exceptionally outstanding that no other sincere speaker of Islam has done in the history f Islam, does it license him to label all of those speakers who do not charge high price for lecturing as a disease? Why this arrogance?



What has Ammar done that many other sincere scholars of Islam have not done? Many times he uses the arguments of our esteemed scholars who did not charge high dollars, pounds, dirhams, and dinars for writing those books that Ammar uses as a reference.



@abbasbil, I don't think anyone over here has implied that acquiring information and spreading information is bad. The discussion is about if this culture of "Islam for the rich only" ok? Should this culture of corporatism, capitalism, and greediness be promoted in the name of Islam?



Don't you feel bad for that guy? Doesn't he deserve some cash for all those sound waves that he shoves out his throat? I don't mean it in a mean way, but seriously... speakers need cash to recharge their throats or else their mouth will be dry...



When corruption remains to your self , it can still be accepted, but when corrupt person justifies his corruption and goes to the extent that those who are not corrupt are disease, than this is sign of Yazidiat. Listen to the reply given by Syed Arif Rizvi reciting in Mombasa.



comes forward and gives us this knowledge we dont think about the positives but just keep on creating false notions about the person.i sincerely feel that we should refrain from stuff like this atleast for a honest person like Sayed Ammar.he is so young and has acquired so much knowledge.common guys we need to applaud for his knowledge at this age.



By the lectures of the holy 14 i meant their BIOGRAPHIES...We people dont have enough time in our lives to know about our Imams..yeah we know a few things about our prophet, bibi fatema, hazrat ali, imam hasan and imam hussain and to a some extent imam zainul that enough? i dont think so...but if someone comes forward and gives



the quality of his lectures is far far my opinion we should not try to bring down any one in such a way...just a last thought...just think over this...HAS ANY ULEMA OR SPEAKER DELIVERED LECTURES ABOUT THE HOLY 14?? at least he has taken an initiative towards a great cause...we should respect that and dont be so pessimistic about it!!!



Still people want to bring a bad name to him saying that he charges so much?? just think for a moment he gets what he deserves....he has evolved as a speaker from one speech to him to some other speaker...if he is better that the other on in expressing the majalis then why we all think that he is demanding more??



I feel that he deserves what he gets and theres nothing wrong in that...we shouldnt be so stingy at least about acquiring the right knowledge from our ulema...i ask u all is there any one on this forum contributing or paying any part from ur pocket??? i dont think so...its the hussainiya centres that bring the ulemas to various countries...



I feel people who have been following maulana ammar for quite sometime now will surely acknowledge his ilm and method of delivering speeches..its so much better than all those maulanas who come and deliver speeches just to woo the crowd and to get be honest i have learnt so much from maulana ammar...and i feel that he deserves....



Salaam alaikum dear brothers!!! I feel that we have to appreciate that Sayed Ammar is speaking the truth...Atleast he is frank about it....if doctors can earn by treating us superficially, we have the ulema who treat us spiritually...tell me one ulema who visits various countries and doesnt charge as much??



@kayzee, So in your opinion scholars who do not charge a lot of money for sharing the knowledge of Quran and Ahlulbayt (a.s) are a disease? Please explain. Shaykh Toosi? Seyyed Mehdi Bahrul Uloom? Allama Majlisi? Shaheed Baqir as-Sadr? Imam Musa as-Sadr? Imam Khomeini? and many more... Hope you don't claim that they all were a disease for community



@kayzee carefully read what Masoomeen has said for Scholars for Dollars:'The dinar is the illness of religion, and the scholar (al-'alim) is the physician of religion. So if you see that the physician brings illness upon himself, distrust him, and know that he is not to advise others."' (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 14, p. 319, no. 14)



In my Opinion. there is no problem in this Video Clip. the people who are trying to say that Speakers like him charge too much money. Did these people ever think that how much knowledge you are given by speakers? if you spend that time on books of history you will lose your wages/salary. the debate on this Topic is useless. Think positive.



Good luck in your future! Seriously????!??!?!?!?!
It's one thing to be greedy and another to admit the greed like this (publicly).






This part of his speech is simply proving his greed...No doubt our Imam A.S. is right that this religion will be destroyed by such speakers/scholars



Moreover, making a contract beforehand may also include agreeing in advance that ''whatever is presented, shall be acceptable by the speaker'', if one so much wants to stick to the ruling of the holy Qur'an. The holy Prophet (PBUH) said, ''For every ummah there has been a fitnah. The fitnah of my ummah is wealth''.



It appears that this gentleman has not studied even a bit of Ilm-e-Mantiq that is one of the foundation subjects when you study (Shia) Islam. Spending 35 dollars on a football match ... is not a good example. He doesn't understand that ''sokhanran'' or ''muballigh'' is not like being a football player who entertains the crowd.



This really shows that there is a vacuum in Europe (and the western world) where young people too easily become fans of not so qualified speakers with peculiar 'over the top' accents.



respect for other scholars.



wow! this man just exposed himself! not only is he greedy but he is dumb to expose his cause in this way. hopefully other so-called scholars who charge large amounts of money will learn a lesson. every example he gives he says we should "reward the people as much as we can" but not "as much as he wants" and he should at least have (next comment)



Here is what we can do:
(1) Contacts management committees, program committees, and executive committees of Islamic centers around the world and appeal that he should not be allowed to deliver speeches till he verbally apologize for this unislamic approach and practically display in his everyday life. (2) Share this video with others so that they know.



@ALL, Can we approach the organizers or different Islamic centers and urge them not to allow Ammar to go on to the pulpit of Prophet & Ahlulbayt (a.s)??? It is essential that we practically stop this affliction right here. Our active participation is required.



@admin remember, we are discussing about 1%, not 99%. as haidarium said, Ahlai sarwat khawas.



Akbar ali Chandoo (late) s/o Ahmad ali Chandoo kaha kartai thai "Hamarai KHOJA BHAIO nay sadaat ko Bhikari bana rakha hai", he was well reputed person of Khoja Chandoo Family.



agree agree totaly agree with "haidarium" comments.needy momineen r 99% and the 1% are holding haqqay sadaat.(khums)



@Muslimkid, good comment. The Ayah though is 36:21 I think it was a typo on your end. Follow those who ask of you no fee , and who are rightly guided (36:21)



Sorry for my angry behaviour..i clearing that i am not blamming all the khoja community bus the EHLAY SARWAT KHAWAS , i remember shaheed nazir abbas, shaheed muzaffar kirmani and other nice Mokhlis Khoja baradaran. but sincerely thing about the questions i raised.



Please avoid blaming the whole community for the actions of few. This leads to asabiat and may cause further rift amongst the shias. Let's not undermine the services of Khojas. Can we ever forget Shaheed Shaheed Muzafar Ali Kirmani who was a role model for the youth?



May Allah protect our sincere and pious scholars who have deveoted their lives for the cause of Islam without expecting any reward or fee from the people. May Allah curse the greedy speakers and protect us from the harm they cause to the Ummah.



He is just trying 2 earn some $$$ 4 himself...chill out shouldn't be charging money for others to gain knowledge...if you want to give knowledge, then give it! WHy charge money for it! EVen Quran says: "(He said:) Follow those who do not ask of you payment, and they are rightly guided." (36:19)



Look at the way this so called scholar is trying to manipulate ahadith of our Imams to justify his greed. This is disgusting.



?'The dinar(money) is the illness of religion, and the scholar (al-'alim) is the physician of religion. So if you see that the physician brings illness upon himself, distrust him, and know that he is not to advise others."' (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 14, p. 319, no. 14)



There are some knowledgeable person who want to only benefit wealthy people and they deprive oppressed and poor people from their knowledge, these people will go to the third level of Hell - Hadith of Imam Sadiq ref. Khisaal Sheikh Sadiq



3) ... There is a group of people who take our names, love us, listen to our sayings and try to follow our actions (so that) they can plunder wealth using our name, Allah will fill bellies of these people with Hell fire and will enforce hunger and thirst on them.... - Tuhful uqool, ref. Mufazzal bin Umar - Hadith Imam Sadiq (a.s.).



1) Anyone who learn Ahadith for wordly gains will not get anything in hereafter and whoever does it for hereafter, Allah will give him bounties of both this world and hereafter - Imam Sadiq (Usool-e-Kaafi)
2) Do not plunder others wealth using our name else you will become poor (Ulama says its being poor in akhira) Imam Baqar (a.s.) Usool-e-Kaafi



so true he is promoting unislamic culture he should take some islamic classes from good shia Ulamas.



the? Qur'an is clear, "(He said:) Follow those who do not ask of you payment, and they are rightly guided." (36:19



It is forbidden to take his full name please call him Mr. ARMANI instead of Mr. Ammar Nakshwani.



Extensive renovation at Hussaini Bagh No. 1 Graveyard has been of graves and plantation were completed at a cost of Rs.25 lacs. Space for 200 graves
has been retrieved for future use for community members.



The establishment of one more school, FSECD is expected to be ready by the next academic year after acquiring the plot
adjacent to Fatimiyah Girls School (opposite Nishter Park). The tota l cost of the project of FSECD is Rs.14 Crores out of


which Rs.6 Crores has already been paid for the purchase of the plot.



cum study centre and an enclave for the Senior Citizens. Thernestimated project cost is Rs.2.5 crore. The project drawings and layouts are in the process of approval and the constructionrnwork will begin after the necessary approvals from KBCA.rnLOOK SADAAT BHOOKA MAREN.SADAAT KA BACHA ROAD PAR KHAILAI or YAY LOG 2.5 COROR MALAY KHUMS SY MAZA KARA



Fatimiyah Sports Centre
As part of a very strong need for the "COMMUNITY", the project of Fatimiyah Sports Centre was launched on 17 August 2007.
The Fatimiyah Sports Centre has been envisaged to have facilities such as gymnasium, jogging track, park, table tennis,swimming pool, basketball court and a full ?oor for library



even they do not give loans to sadaat, i.e The World Federation of KSIMC provides a limited number of educational loans each year for undergraduate studies to qualifying and outstanding students (male & female) from constituent Members, who have limited means to finance their studies.



even they do not marry shia sadaats, i
The new and improved KHOJAMATCH from The World Federation of KSIMC is:
? An online matrimonial website;
? For men and women age 18 years and older;
? Exclusively for Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslims who belong to member Jamaats of The World Federation of KSIMC.



why we curse tha GHASIBEEN-E-FIDAK???? bcoz they were ghasibeen maale Ahl-e-bait.why we are not cursing the Ghasibeen-e-Maal-e-Imam of this period??



HaniHBK if he is khoja, remember khojas are not poor, they have billions of dollars in account of khums, they are making jimms, swiming pools, big residential projects, schools from the Khums, but sadly are projects limited for KHOJAS ONLY.o people tell me if any one of poor "Syed" child getting education in al murtuza school free of cost???



It reminds me an account of pious alim in Pakistan who used to recite Majlis just on the conditions of a reciting salwat and salaat whoever hosted him for majalis. Some of his students witnessed last moments of his life mention that he was welcomed and greeted by Ahlulbait (AS) as he took last breath his face turnd brit & da whle room bcm fragrant



From other side people has there duty to respect and provide facilities to there Alim so that he can Research and Preach with peace of mind but this is people part and this is there social duty



The Alim can not ask any Ujrat against wajibat according to Shariah nor he can demand in terms of much money or can make a contract like other fields, he agree with the selection of this field to fallow the simple life of Ahlul bayt(AS) in practice otherwise his words will be words and no impact on society his preach.



Means poor community in Africa or south Asia cant effort good iilam or recitor

i found some more of his lecture controversial

well don't want to comdemm or criticize anyone



If he is wrong for charging high money then the up loader should have included other scholars as well who charge high money. He is our great scholar who defend the religion and Ahle-e-Bait while we have nothing to do but criticize. We donot even bother to learn the Quran but when it comes to find faults we are ahead of all nations.



Sayed Ammar is a great scholar of new generation and people are jealous of him as how can he be more popular as this is the disease of scholars. If he does not fix the amount before the lecture our stingy people would not pay a penny. Our Imams have also ordered us to fix the amount for the labor as there cud be an argument that leads to problem.



True knowledge have no price and person who is fixing price for the knowledge is greedy. True Alim will never ask for money because he is doing his job fee sabil illaha. Amar Nakshwani is confusing people because of his oratory skills. He need to revisit his ideology if he have any.......Regards...Sarim



To call all our ayatullahs and respected Ulema a diasease of the society (because none of them demands money) shows the arrogance and hub-e-dunya of Ammar. He is one of the lead figures in the cadre of scholar for dollars and has been demanding $1000-2000 per lecture, he wants to bring those down that are damaging his selling of Karbala



in islam specially shia islam its not allowed for asking money for leading namaz jammat or reciting azan is not allowed.imam ali says lanat on those who take religious education for urn money.he is definitely against imam ali and he is proud on his shameful and dirty act.his family have also close relations with g.bush so how we expect his piracy.



He himself says that Imam Hussain (AS) said "We should give him as much as WE can give him." Imam Hussain didn't say "We should give him as much as he wants." Subtle difference.



Is he calling all of our great scholars who do not fix the price for their lectures to be a "disease" or "illness" to the society? To my knowledge, 99.9% of our conditions fulfilling marajae'en do not put a rate on their services? This proposition is insane by Ammar Nakshwani...



Yes, I believe he is promoting an unislamic culture. Maybe he's poor (lol)