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استحکام پاکستان کانفرنس H.I. Raja Nasir at Islamabad Bar Association - Urdu

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استحکام پاکستان کانفرنس H.I. Raja Nasir At Islamabad Bar Association - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Allama Raja Nasir delivered this lecture in April 2010 at Islamabad Bar Association, Pakistan. The focus of this conference is to emphasize on taking practical steps to strengthen and stablize Pakistan. Special focus was to address the responsibilities of lawyers and attorneys.... Show More >>
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@MWM_PAK good sharing. The bench and bar are the main centre in any good society. Its good effort to interact with all segments and centres of society.



If I can say a few words to solve the main problems of Pakistanis that may be catgorized as, "UNITY, FAITH, DISCIPLINE!"



During my last year visit to Pakistan I observed very very long processions of Moharam.Both Shias and Sunnis paid homage in these gatherings.POLITICAL ACTIVISM is MUST for Shias, as the founder of Pak



Muta and polygamy is categorized as main factor for Shias growth in Pakistan.But I think better cleanliness & simple life increases the rate of living chances.But Politically & educationally be ACTIVE



This trend is very positive where educated public of Pakistan is getting connected with Islamic teachings and scholars who have a vision to solve the issues in Pakistan.



As reported in BBC, census by Govt. of Pakistan in Year-2011 is expected.I have read in UNDP reports about estimated Pakistani population ~189Million. So Shias population may be carefully calculated



Strong message; loyalty to Pakistan, respect of religious values, transparent democratic system in which public's votes have a value and weightage...



As per census & international P&D reports, Shias are spread in all over Pakistan.They are brave, patriotic & peaceful. After I.R.Iran, Pakistan is the house of 2nd largest Shia population in the world



Excellent step by Shias in Pakistan. I think the big majority of more than 65Million Shias in Pakistan (Year-1998)MUST be politically active. As this is the sure help to strengthen Pakistan.