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Vali Amr Muslimeen Ayatullah Khamenei on Shia-Sunni Unity وحدة المسلمين - Farsi sub English

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Vali Amr Muslimeen Ayatullah Khamenei On Shia-Sunni Unity وحدة المسلمين - Farsi Sub English
Vali Amr Muslimeen, Ayatullah Sayyed Ali Khamenei calls for unity and brotherhood between the Shia & Sunni brothers around the world. The leader emphasized that this is a plot sketched by the enemies of Islam and Muslims. The enemy is actively taking measures to create enimosity... Show More >>
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assalamalaikom, I m so happy to revert shia muslim and find peace in islam, but sad a lot about problems, insha Allah peace is coming..Alhamdulillah muslims shia are so strong soldiers with great soul wich won make more strong to defeat the enemie.

salam salam from Brazil*