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[Noha - Promo] Janam Fidai Zainab (S.A) - Br. Shuja Rizvi - Nuha Album 2014 - Urdu

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[Noha - Promo] Janam Fidai Zainab (S.A) - Br. Shuja Rizvi - Nuha Album 2014 - Urdu
[Noha] Janam Fidai Zainab (S.A) - Br. Shuja Rizvi - Promo 2014
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Labbayka ya Nasrallah (h.a)
Labbayka ya Zainab (s.a)



"The two sides of the conflict in Syria are not Shia and Sunni, rather they are the supporters and opponents of anti-Zionist resistance. Neither the Syrian government is a Shia government, nor is the secular and anti-Islam opposition a Sunni group. The only achievement of the plotters of this calamitous scenario is that they have managed to make use of religious sentiments of simple-minded people to kindle this deadly fire. A look at the scene and those who are involved in it at different levels can clarify the issue for any just individual." - Vali Amr Muslimeen, Ayatullah Khamenei (ha)



May Allah protect the protectors of Sayeda Zainab (s.a) shrine!