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16 Shuhada ki Namaz e Janaza سانحہ مستونگ کوئٹہ Al Balagh - Urdu

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16 Shuhada Ki Namaz E Janaza سانحہ مستونگ کوئٹہ Al Balagh - Urdu
30 دسمبر کو مستونگ کے علاقے میں شہید ہونے والے 19 میں سے 16 زائرین کی اجتماعی نماز جنازہ راولپنڈی کے آئی جے پی روڈ پر مجلس وحدت مسلمین کے مرکزی سیکرٹری جنرل علامہ ناصر... Show More >>
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I think Pakistani 65 Million Shias should be united...



those yazidis have got even more terrified after watching our unity, I m so proud to b a Pakistani shia because Allah Almighty has blessed pakistan with true shias n I always Pray that May Allah Almighty bless us Pakistani Shia to serve our Beloved Beloved... Master(a.s)in huge number at the time of His Advent(Ameen)



We Solute these great Shohada,May Allah Almighty bless their family with patience,a very strong point raised by 1 of the brother of shohada that in the 4 days of dharna there were no terrorist attack y because V were on the ground,he is absolutly correct,those yazidis can only attack from back like cowards they dont have the courage to fight



Long live martyrs!



All men, women, children united...I think about 65 million Shia Muslims (in Pakistani 190 million population) are a SOFT POWER which need Discipline, Unity and Faith!!!



@AlBalagh. Indeed a great service to the global Shia MUslims. We in global village see and strongly support your pious efforts for Media coverage and fact finding reporting.



@Albalagh, thanks for this video coverage. Very inspiring. The blood of these shohada of Islam will not go wasted. Insha'Allah. Masses are waking up and the enemies realize this! Down with Yazeedis.



salam ya shuhada