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[EXCLUSIVE TO SHIATV] Current crisis in the Middle East - Ustaad Jawad Naqvi - 15Apr2011 - Urdu

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[EXCLUSIVE TO SHIATV] Current Crisis In The Middle East - Ustaad Jawad Naqvi - 15Apr2011 - Urdu
Political Analysis on the Current Situation in the Middle East - 15th April 2011 Lahore. Please note that has been granted exclusive permission for this speech. No other website is allowed to upload this speech without prior permission from
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Very Good Analysis by Agha Jawad Naqvi



May Allah establish Learned, thoughtful and practicing Fuqaha among Shia communities throught out the Globe.



It is essential that Bahrainis, at large, realize that their dignity is being trampled upon. Their dignity as a Muslim is what they should be fighting for... IA Bahraini's will succeed...



Very interesting and detailed analysis. It is a very important point that S. Jawad brought up that Bahrainis are demanding their social rights such as job, representation in government depts. etc.