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A bold speech by daughter of Bahriani Martyr - Arabic Sub English

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A Bold Speech By Daughter Of Bahriani Martyr - Arabic Sub English
A bold and powerful speech by Fatima - Daughter of Bahraini Martyr Abdul Al Rasul Al Hujairi
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May Allah Protect Fatema ba Tassadduq Fatemah Zehra (s a a)
from the Zalemeen , from her Tyrent King , from the other
Evil King whose support caused untold miseries to the innocent protestors .



Saudi,s are not even sunnis...if they were muslims would have sent their troops to Palestaine not Bahrain.Al saud is al yahud



You can keep yourself updated by visiting for latest news regarding situation in Bahrain. Many news clips and videos of Bahrain situation are also available on this site



Majority of Bahraini people are suffering from monarchy and are on streets to protest against the government to demand democracy so that they may get their true rights in their country



Wow. We all need to learn from this young girl to have more courage and to have complete faith in Allah and not to lose hope no matter what. This was a very moving video.



I feel so sad for that girl!



What is problem at Bahrain.