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Walayat in the time of Ghaybat - H.I. Muhammad Askary - Urdu

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Walayat In The Time Of Ghaybat - H.I. Muhammad Askary - Urdu
Hujjatul Islam Maulana Muhammad Askary describing the meaning of Walayat in the time of Occultation of Imam Sahibuz Zamana (A.T.F.S)
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salam this topic is must for every weavers because if we r waiting for some one then we must know about that noble person.i m also thankful to shiatv for there hard and excellent working for the awareness of our brothers and sisters .



Comprehensive and precise arguments to understand the topic from a highly learned and esteemed scholar. It is essential that the topic of Walayat is discussed openly in the society. While our Infallible Imam, Imam Al-Mahdi (a.s) is in ghaybat, what about the social and political affairs of Muslim Ummah?