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Wow. Thank you so much for translating and sharing this. Please continue to do so. Very informative. May Allah (s.w.t.) keep his eminence healthy and give him (h.a.) a long life.

  •  Commented on: October 28, 2013

May Allah protect all ulema e haq such as H.I. Shamshad Haider (h.a.).

  •  Commented on: September 23, 2013

Just to provide some background, I personally asked Agha Jawwad the question of why doesn't he step up to lead the community and his answer was: "qaum ko leader nahee chaye, teacher chahye..." I think this is not sufficient. The nation needs both leaders and teachers. I wish that Agha Jawwad would stick to what he is good at: teaching.

  •  Commented on: May 22, 2013

(cont)...Just like Agha, your answers have great rhetoric, but nothing practical and substantive. Can you give me the first step to achieving what you say Agha Jawwad outlines? Thank you and iltemas e dua.

  •  Commented on: May 22, 2013

Dear brother Talibeilm,

I just want to make one thing clear: I have nothing against anyone. I respect Agha Jawwad highly. I think he is a great philosopher/teacher/theorist. But, to me the most interesting thing is the answers of Hani and yourself, who say that Agha Jawwad has the solution to all that ails Pakistan. Just like Agha, your...(cont)

  •  Commented on: May 22, 2013

Agha Jawwad's style may be in contrast to Rahbar and Syed Nasrallah. They are practical and down to earth and present solutions to immediate, every day political goals. If Syed Nasrallah had the kind of thinking that Agha Jawwad does, Hizbollah would never have joined a unity government and would never have reconciled with Walid Jumbalat.

  •  Commented on: May 21, 2013

Hani, with all due respect, you sound just like Agha Jawwad. Big on lofty rhetoric, but short on the immediate operationalization of the problem. I agree with unKaffir: Agha Jawwad is a wonderful Alim/philosopher/spiritual leader. He is not cut out for politics. His views are very lofty and high and have no bearing on the immediate needs.

  •  Commented on: May 21, 2013

I'm sorry, but I don't understand. So, what is it that Agha Jawwad says we should all do? What are the solutions to the situation in Pakistan?

  •  Commented on: May 15, 2013

salam alaikum. wonderful to see Sheikh Hamza in Dallas! Miss Dallas and all the momeneen. I will be watching each and every speech inshallah.

  •  Commented on: July 22, 2012

Mashallah. This is a good effort. We need to use new mediums and methods to get the message of Imam Hussain (a.s.) out to people. Our Leader (h.a.) has endorsed these messages as well as many Marja e Karam.

  •  Commented on: July 20, 2012

Alhamdulillah! It warms my heart to see this and brings tears to my eyes. This should end all the silly and useless speculation. SHIA-SHIA unity is a reality; no one can put a dent in it. May Allah bless Agha Jawwad (h.a.) and Agha Nasir (h.a.).

  •  Commented on: July 07, 2012
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